With Advanced search, mAudition allows you to
search for talents based on classification which can be age group, gender and talent category among others. As a scout, you can also bookmark a post of a talent for future reference.
Collaborate with your team and easily keep track
of submissions & results on one platform.
Automatically assign submissions to reviews based
on pre-agreed criteria or randomly assign
submissions to a set number of reviewers for smooth
communications and easy hand-overs.
Review & Rate submissions based on pre-agreed
markers & scores which the application
computes in real-time.
Know what your data is saying. View reports and
export easily to analyze what is and isn’t working
with your application process. Drill down into the
specific engagement metrics and make decisions
based on pre-set indices. Track & view submissions
based on an advanced search feature filtering
specific forms and date ranges to see submissions
by label, total number received, and more.